In most cases it would be the best to ask your question to certain person in our Executive Office. It is the referral centre to which questions and requests of any kind may be addressed. The Office answers these directly where applicable or passes them on to the relevant EANM officer. If you have any insights or open questions, feel free to use our contact form below.
EANM Executive Office
Schmalzhofgasse 26
1060 Vienna
+43 1 890 44 27
+43 1 890 44 27-9
We can chat 9-17
In most cases it would be the best to ask your question to certain person in our Executive Office. It is the referral centre to which questions and requests of any kind may be addressed. The Office answers these directly where applicable or passes them on to the relevant EANM officer. If you have any insights or open questions, feel free to use our contact form below.
Contact form
[contact-form-7 id=”894eea9″ title=”Kontakt”]