Focus Meetings

Past Focus Meetings

Learn more about the past Focus Meetings.

Past Focus Meetings

The EANM Focus Meetings are specialised gatherings that delve into specific topics within nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. These conferences bring together leading experts to discuss the latest advancements and clinical applications across various medical areas.

Each meeting results in a consensus paper that captures the discussions and insights from the expert panel. For those interested in the progression and key outcomes of our past Focus Meetings, please check the overview below.

For questions about our upcoming Focus Meeting or our past editions, please reach out to

Focus Meeting 5

The Focus Meeting 5 was held in Seville, Spain, on February 2-4, 2023, and focused on molecular imaging and theranostics in prostate cancer.

The event culminated in the publication of a consensus paper by the EANM, which synthesised discussions on innovative approaches from leading experts in the field.

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Focus Meeting 4

The Focus Meeting 4 took place in Seville, Spain, on February 3-5, 2022, and focused on molecular imaging and therapy in haematological tumours.

The meeting led to the publication of a consensus paper in The Lancet Haematology, representing the combined efforts of expert panelists who discussed the latest developments in the field.

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Focus Meeting 3

The Focus Meeting 3 was held in Athens, Greece, on January 30–February 1, 2020, and focused on molecular imaging and theranostics in neuroendocrine tumours.

The event featured the publication of a consensus paper titled ‘Consensus on molecular imaging and theranostics in neuroendocrine neoplasms’ in the European Journal of Cancer, reflecting the collaborative effort of the expert panelists who discussed current advancements in the field.

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Focus Meeting 2

The Focus Meeting 2 was held in Cannes, France, on 31 January 31–February 2, 2019, with a central theme on molecular imaging of dementia.

The meeting resulted in the publication of a consensus paper in The Lancet Neurology titled ‘Amyloid-PET and ^18F-FDG-PET in the diagnostic investigation of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias’, reflecting comprehensive discussions by the panel of experts.

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Focus Meeting 1

The first Focus Meeting took place in Valencia, Spain, on February 1-3, 2018, and focused on molecular imaging and theranostics in prostate cancer.

The event led to the publication of a significant consensus paper in The Lancet Oncology, which synthesised the expert panel’s discussions on cutting-edge approaches in the field.

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