Data privacy

Read more about our data privacy policies.

EANM / Data privacy

Data privacy

The EANM is dedicated to protecting your data privacy. Please read more about our policies below. For any questions, feel free to contact us anytime at

Abstract submission, congress registration, membership, ESMIT courses, eLearning platform, e-Poster area

We value your interest in EANM and ESMIT activities. Protecting your personal data is important to us. The collection, handling, and usage of personal data are regulated by Austrian law. Our employees and external service providers are committed to adhering to these data protection laws and regulations.

This data protection policy applies to all personal data you provide to us online, in writing, or by other means. Personal data includes any information that can identify you, such as your name, address, e-mail, phone number, or date of birth. Your personal data and profile will be reviewed to determine eligibility for abstract submission, registration to EANM events, ESMIT Schools or Courses, e-Poster Area, eLearning activities, Membership, and other collaborations. Access to your data is restricted to authorised personnel only.

You have the right to request access to your personal data, correct inaccuracies, or request deletion of your data at any time. You can also withdraw your consent for the use of your personal data. Please address any requests to


To enhance the functionality of our online services and provide you with a more comfortable experience on our site, we use cookies. Cookies are small data files stored on your computer when you visit our website. You can prevent cookies from being saved on your computer by adjusting your web browser settings. However, doing so may limit some of the features available on our website.

Data controller

EANM Office
Schmalzhofgasse 26
1060 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 1 890 44 27
Fax: +43 1 890 44 27-9


Data protection clause

I acknowledge that the EANM obeys the International Data Protection Guidelines. I agree that my given data may be used and processed by the EANM for the management of membership data as well as other EANM purposes (e.g., distribution of newsletters and other information, events promotion, educational/scientific activities, etc.) and may be forwarded to the publisher/distributor of EANM publications.

By allowing exhibition companies in the exhibition hall and/or at the entrance of an Industry Sponsored Symposium to scan my badge, I agree that the following data might be shared with the respective company: title, first name, last name, institute, department, e-mail, address, postal code, city, and country.

External assets

Our website may use assets (such as fonts, images, or scripts) provided by external websites. When your browser loads these assets, your IP address is visible to the respective third-party website. These assets are necessary for the design and functionality of our website. Specifically, our website uses:

  • Google Fonts
    Provider: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States
  • Google Maps
    Provider: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States
  • MashShare
  • Google Analytics
    Google Analytics collects statistical data using a third-party cookie to track you. All data is anonymised for traffic analysis and planning website updates. The data is transmitted to and stored on Google Analytics servers in the USA, under the US Privacy Shield, complying with European General Data Protection Regulations. To opt out of Google Analytics, please follow Google’s official instructions.
Image rights

By attending our events, you give EANM permission to record, film, photograph, or capture your likeness in any media. EANM may use, copy, modify, distribute, broadcast, or disseminate these media worldwide without further approval or compensation.

Please note that we respect your image rights. If you do not want to be recorded, filmed, or photographed, please contact us at

Unless you explicitly state otherwise via e-mail, we will assume you accept our image policy.

Links to external websites

When you access external websites via links on our site, the external provider may receive information from your browser, such as the referring site. We have no control over the data these external providers collect and process.


You can subscribe to our newsletters to receive regular updates on our services. To subscribe, you need a valid e-mail address. We use a double opt-in process to verify your e-mail address, ensuring you are the owner and consent to receiving newsletters. We save your IP address and the date and time of your registration for security purposes. Your e-mail address and any additional voluntary information (e.g., company, title, name, country) will be used to optimise our newsletters. We gather usage statistics to determine the geographic region of access. This information cannot be connected to a specific person. We do not share this data with third parties. You can unsubscribe at any time using the link provided in each newsletter or the confirmation e-mail.

Right to information, withdrawal of consent, deletion

You have the right to request information about the creation, processing, or use of your personal data and to request its correction, blocking, or deletion. You can also withdraw your consent at any time. Requests can be made electronically. You have the right to correct inaccurate data and delete your personal data unless there are legal obligations to retain it.

Server data

When you visit certain parts of our website, your web browser automatically transmits data to our web server for technical reasons. This data, stored in server log files, includes the time and date of your visit, the URL of the referring site, the data requested, the amount of data transmitted, the browser type and version, your operating system, and your IP address. This data is stored separately from other data you provide and cannot be connected to any specific person. We use this data for statistical purposes to improve our website and services.

Use of social media platforms

Our website includes social media buttons that conform to data protection regulations and establish a direct connection to the respective social network. When you click on these buttons, you are redirected to the respective website, leaving our homepage. These social media companies may then associate your visit to our website with your account. We have no knowledge of the data transferred or how it is used by these social media providers. For more information, refer to each social media service’s data protection policy.