
Trainings & Certifications

Explore the various certificates available and see how they can enhance your professional qualifications.

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Training & Certifications

UEMS/EBNM: Certificate of Fellowship of the European Board of Nuclear Medicine

The European Board Certificate in Nuclear Medicine attests to the candidate’s knowledge and proficiency in Nuclear Medicine according to European standards. This certification, while optional, serves as a recognised benchmark of excellence and does not interfere with national requirements for specialisation in the field. Achieving this certificate showcases a candidate’s commitment to maintaining high standards and staying current with best practices in Nuclear Medicine.

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Nuclear Cardiology Certification

The European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) organises this certification in collaboration with the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM).

The certification is available for all healthcare professionals but is specifically intended for healthcare professionals who provide independent clinical services. A medical qualification is not obligatory. However, it is anticipated that most successful candidates will be so qualified.

Candidates that were successfully certified have been approved by the Nuclear Cardiology Exam Board Committee.

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Radiopharmacy Certification

The Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Committee of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine has established a European post-graduate specialisation certificate in Radiopharmacy.

This certificate is available to anyone who completes a defined programme of education and has two years of practical experience in the field. The programme is coordinated by the ESMIT Representative of the Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Committee.

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