Advocacy Publications

Position Papers & Editorials

The EANM regularly publishes advocacy papers and position statements, reflecting the views of the nuclear medicine community on specific policy topics.

EANM / EU & Global Affairs / Advocacy Publications / Position Papers & Editorials

SIMPLERAD Final Report: SAMIRA Study on the Implementation of the Euratom and EU Legal Bases with Respect to the Therapeutic Uses of Radiopharmaceuticals

The 24-month SIMPLERAD project, funded by the European Union, and in collaboration between EANM, EFOMP and EIBIR, aimed to improve the understanding of the links and interdependencies between the European pharmaceutical legislations and Euratom radiation protection requirements and highlight potential barriers to coherent implementation of radiopharmaceutical therapies in clinical practice. 

This final report proposes practical guidance and recommendations to advance a coherent implementation of these requirements and interlinkage with respect to the therapeutic use of radiopharmaceuticals.

read here December 19, 2024

EU Policy Symposium 2 Report

This report presents key presentations and recommendations from the EANM24′ Congress EU Policy Symposium 2, “Empowering Tomorrow: The Nuclear Medicine Community’s Strategic Role within EU Projects and Tenders on Workforce”.

It highlights critical discussions on addressing workforce challenges and ensuring equitable access to specialised training in Nuclear Medicine. Additionally, against the backdrop of evolving EU priorities, the report explores opportunities in EU funding initiatives, collaboration, and policy impact. It highlights the importance of harmonising education, fostering multidisciplinary approaches, and advocating for sustainable EU investments to support the advancement of Nuclear Medicine across the EU.

read here December 11, 2024

EU Policy Symposium 1 Report

The report highlights key insights on the presentations given ay the EU Policy Symposium 1  “Bridging the Gap: EU Pharma Legislation & Basic Safety Standards – Navigating Legal Complexity across Europe” at the EANM24′ Congress. This symposium addressed the regulatory challenges specific to Nuclear Medicine under the current EU framework.
The report examines EU frameworks like the Basic Safety Standards Directive (BSSD) and the ongoing revision of EU Pharmaceutical Legislation, highlighting harmonisation gaps and operational complexities. The symposium examines as well both past and ongoing EU-funded projects, offering recommendations for collaboration, regulatory clarity, and innovation.
read here December 11, 2024

EANM Roadmap 2024-2029 - Nuclear Medicine Looking Towards 2029

As we embark on a new political cycle, there is a strong hope that the new legislative mandate will bring a more robust response from the EU to the complex challenges faced by the healthcare sector.

In response to the 2024 European elections and the substantial leadership changes, the purpose of this document is to raise awareness of the Nuclear Medicine sector and inform decision-makers of the community’s expectations in shaping future Health policies together.

read here October 28, 2024

EANM-NMEU joint communication on the European Pharmaceutical Legislation revision: Turning the tide – A Critical Call for Unlocking Nuclear Medicine Potential in Europe

In the context of the revision of the EU Pharmaceutical Legislation, it is with great regret that the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) and Nuclear Medicine Europe (NMEU) see that the recommendations of their joint proposals were not included in the final position of the European Parliament.

Our concern is that the regulatory framework for radiopharmaceuticals is not well served by the final position, which means that Europe is unlikely to be at the forefront of advances in radiopharmaceuticals in the future and modern radiopharmaceuticals will continue to struggle with the existing regulatory framework. Now that the focus shifts to the Council of the EU, this statement is a call to policymakers to reconsider radiopharmaceuticals developments. 

read here April 29, 2024

EANM Statement on the Union List of Critical Medicines Rationale for inclusion of radioisotopes

Following the publication of the Union List of Critical Medicines, this paper outlines the importance of including medical radioisotopes in this list to facilitate the mitigation of radioisotope shortages across Europe.

read here February 19, 2024

The revision of the pharmaceutical legislation – it is time to act for nuclear medicine in Europe

Amid the reform of the European Union Pharmaceutical Framework, the EANM has conducted significant advocacy efforts to bring nuclear medicine to the attention of EU decision-makers. Our latest article published in the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (EJNMMI) highlights how critical changes in the EU Pharmaceutical Framework impact the field of nuclear medicine, driving innovation and patient care in the EU.

read here October 23, 2023

Joint statement of the EANM and NMEU on the revision of the EU Pharmaceutical Legislation – Time to Act for Nuclear Medicine

The new EU Pharmaceutical Package includes very important legislations for the future of healthcare in Europe. In this respect, the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) and Nuclear Medicine Europe (NMEU) have joint forces to highlight the specific aspects that touch on Nuclear Medicine.

read here October 16, 2023

The EANM Statement on Animal Testing in the EU: the potential adverse effect of a ban on biomedical research

In the context of the European Citizen’s Initiative (ECI) ‘Save Cruelty Free Cosmetics – Commit to a Europe without animal testing’, the EANM draws attention to the detrimental aspects of the above-mentioned petition and to the serious consequences that a general ban on animal experiments could have on healthcare in the EU.

read here July 24, 2023

The QuADRANT study: current status and recommendations for improving uptake and implementation of clinical audit of medical radiological procedures in Europe—the nuclear medicine perspective

This article highlights the results of the QuADRANT project, a comprehensive study focusing on improving clinical audits in the field of nuclear medicine. The project examined the current state of clinical audit implementation in the EU27+4, identifying good practices and available resources. It aims to provide guidance for enhancing the uptake and implementation of clinical audits in disciplines involving ionising radiation. The main findings have been summarised in this publication of the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (EJNMMI).

read here May 10, 2023

Joint Statement of the EAHP and the EANM on the availability of radiopharmaceuticals in the context of the revision of the general pharmaceutical legislation 

In the context of the revision of the general Pharmaceutical Legislation, this joint statement of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) and the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) focuses on the need for a flexible regulatory framework for low-volume products. This paper explains how the revision of the Pharmaceutical Legislation could reduce the regulatory burden for small-scale preparations by clearly distinguishing between commercial and non-commercial preparations of medical products, notably on marketing authorisation procedures.

read here December 12, 2022

EANM Overarching Narrative

This statement provides basic information about Nuclear Medicine, its specificities and the current most urgent policy needs. Focussing on the policy as of today and building on Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and the SAMIRA Action Plan, the statement aims at offering all stakeholders, at the European or national level, a better understanding of the specificities of the Nuclear Medicine sector.

read here June 13, 2022

EANM Statement: Posology for Radiopharmaceuticals: contradictory legal requirements between BSS Directive 2013/59/Euratom and EMA marketing authorisations schemes

The last few years have seen important changes in the development and composition of radiopharmaceuticals introduced in clinical practice. These technical changes have led to new delivery requirements: nowadays, posologies need to be more patient-centric. However, EU requirements for the use of radiopharmaceuticals in patients, based on their respective posologies, which are issued as part of their marketing authorisation by the European Medicine Agency (EMA), are currently not fitting the needs and are partially in contradiction to the Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom, which leads to complex situations in clinical practice.

read here December 13, 2021

EANM Statement for a better inclusion of the particularities of Radiopharmaceuticals within the Review of Directive 2001/83EC on Pharmaceutical Legislation

In the context of the upcoming review of the European Pharmaceutical Legislation (Directive 2001/83 EC), this statement has been written by members of the EANM Radiopharmacy Committee and the EANM Board and is intended to provide input for the consideration of specificities of Radiopharmaceuticals within this review. The document addresses current regulatory challenges, aiming at ensuring the quality and safety of radiopharmaceuticals as well as a harmonised framework and efficient supply chains.

read here December 6, 2021