Advocacy Publications

Public Consultations

There are a number of ways to contribute to the development of EU legislation – from the preparatory stage, proposals for new legislation, to evaluations of how existing legislation is working.


EANM / EU & Global Affairs / Advocacy Publications / Public Consultations

Public consultations

Stakeholders can contribute to public consultations and various feedback mechanisms throughout the policy cycle.

Below are summaries and links to the consultations to which the EANM has recently responded.

EANM Reply to EC Call for Evidence on Critical Medicines Act

The European Commission conducted a public consultation on the upcoming Critical Medicines Act.

The future Critical Medicines Act will aim at:

  • addressing supply chain vulnerabilities and reduce the EU’s dependencies in order to strengthen the supply of critical medicines;
  • improving the availability of other medicines of common interest.

The EANM comments highlighted:

  • the need to consider the specificities of radiopharmaceuticals;
  • the need to align the Critical Medicines Act with other EC initiatives (Union List of Critical Medicines, European Radioisotopes Valley Initiative…).

February 2025

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EANM Reply to EMA Public Consultation on Concept paper on clinical evaluation of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals in Oncology

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) conducted a public consultation on a Concept paper on clinical evaluation of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals in Oncology.

The objective of this concept paper is to identify aspects that are specific for therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals that need to be addressed in the future guideline.  The scope of the guideline is to provide specific guidance on how the key concepts from the pharmaceutical legislation (2001/83/EC) and the radiation protection legislation (Directive 14 2013/59/Euratom) should be applied to the clinical development of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals for marketing authorisation application.

EANM reply emphasises that the issues raised in the concept paper regarding the implementation of dosimetry for personalized radioligand therapy remain a matter of debate within the field. The EANM states that the generation and availability of  evidence data would significantly enhance the acceptance of dosimetry for individualized treatment optimization. Given the current lack of conclusive clinical evidence, however, the EANM does not hold a definitive position on recommending either extensive individual dosimetry, simplified approaches or fixed-activity posology.

January 2025

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EANM reply to EMA Public Consultation on handling competing interests of scientific committee members and experts

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) conducted a public consultation on a draft revision of its policy for managing conflicts of interest among scientific committee members and experts. EANM reply emphasised the need for policies to avoid excessive restrictions that could hinder access to leading experts in like nuclear medicine, where experts are frequently involved in research collaborations. EANM sought specific clarifications regarding involvement with research organisations, making a distinction between manufacturing for institutional versus commercial purposes, and between fundamental research funded by grants and direct corporate affiliations. Further clarification on organisational grants and indirect expert funding was also requested.

November 2024

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Euratom's research and training programme 2026-2027

As an umbrella organisation for nuclear medicine professionals across Europe, the open consultation on the follow-up to Euratom’s research and training programme for the period 2026-27 is a major topic for the EANM. The EANM has shared some insights on to leverage Euratom’s research and training programme for medical applications of ionising radiation.

May 2024

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Revision of the European Medicines Agency’s Guideline on the principles of regulatory acceptance of 3Rs testing approaches

The EANM supports the initiative to revise the guideline to include a section on 3Rs terminology, as well as annexed guidance for regulatory acceptance of Microphysiological Systems (MPS), including Organ-on-Chip (OoC) models, for specific Contexts of Use (COUs) within the pharmaceutical area. We recognise the importance of establishing clear definitions for 3Rs-related terms to facilitate alignment among stakeholders and to provide clarity on regulatory requirements for the qualification of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs).

Regarding the proposed revisions, the EANM offered several insights and suggestions from the nuclear medicine perspective.

February 2024

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Revision of the European Medicines Agency's Guidelines related to Radiopharmaceuticals

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is in the process of revising its Guideline on Radiopharmaceuticals, which was last updated in 2008. With significant advancements and innovations in Radiopharmaceuticals over the past 16 years, it has become essential to modernise this guideline.

This revision aims to: 1) Provide further clarity on issues that have led to non-harmonised interpretations, 2) Address topics that were inadequately covered or detailed in the current guideline, 3) Offer guidance on emerging issues resulting from recent developments and evolving practices.

A consultation process has been taking place open to all the stakeholders who wish to share their input and feedback with the EMA.

The EANM has replied to the consultation:

  • on the Concept Paper on the revision on the Guideline on Radiopharmaceuticals

EANM’s Reply

  • and on the Concept Paper on the revision of the Guideline on Radiopharmaceuticals based on Monoclonal antibodies

EANM’s Reply

October 2023

Consultation on the European Radioisotopes Valley Initiative

As part of the SAMIRA Action Plan’s pillar on the security of the supply of medical radioisotopes, the European Commission plans to establish a European Radioisotope Valley Initiative (ERVI), aiming at maintaining Europe’s global leadership role in the supply of medical radioisotopes. To further define this initiative’s objectives and scope, the European Commission launched a targeted consultation over the autumn to gather stakeholders’ positions on the ERVI objectives and the specific issues concerning the supply chain of medical radioisotopes.

The EANM provided feedback, highlighting the crucial need for such an initiative, given the recent large and unexpected outages ultimately impacting patients’ procedures and considering that the demand for radionuclides will only increase in the future.

The EANM pointed out that, for such an initiative to be a success, a holistic approach should be taken:

  • Considering the entire supply chain so that the produced radioisotopes are easily available anywhere in Europe at a fair price.
  • Ensuring that the EU’s strong tradition in Nuclear Medicine will perpetuate in the next decades by reducing the EU’s reliance on foreign suppliers.
  • Focusing on the development of new radioisotopes and new production methods.

October 2022

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Consultation on ICH Guidelines on Analytical Procedures

In the context of the review of the International Commission for Harmonisation’s (ICH) Guidelines on Analytical Procedures (Analytical Procedures Development and Validation of Analytical Procedures), which opened for public consultation in July 2022, the EANM provided feedback, emphasizing the unique requirements of radiopharmaceuticals within regulatory frameworks.

The EANM highlighted that while these guidelines serve as a general basis for developing and validating analytical methods for most drug substances and products, they do not fully cover the specific tests needed for radiopharmaceutical analysis. Therefore, radiopharmaceuticals should be excluded from the scope of the ICH analytical procedures guidelines. To address this gap, the EANM, in collaboration with EDQM, has developed a guideline on validating analytical methods for radiopharmaceuticals in recent years.

July 2022

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Consultation on the Non-Communicable Diseases Initiative

With the publication of an initiative on NCDs, ‘Healthier Together’, the European Commission aimed at supporting European countries in reducing the burden of NCDs. The initiative, focusing on five main areas (including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, mental health and neurological disorders, and health determinants), will provide support for EU countries all along the care pathway by developing guidelines, rolling out innovative approaches, transferring best practices and using EU funding instruments.

The EANM has been involved in the consultation process for the neurological and cardiovascular strands. The main elements of our reply included the following:

  • Elaborating a European system for data generation and collection on NCDs
  • Harmonisation of cardiovascular and neurological data for PET/CT scans
  • Harmonisation of proof-of-concept studies for Radiopharmaceuticals.

May 2022

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Open Public Consultation on the revision of the general pharmaceutical legislation

In the context of the upcoming review of the European Pharmaceutical Legislation (Directive 2001/83 EC), the EANM has provided feedback to the related public consultation, highlighting the current regulatory challenges for radiopharmaceuticals.

Given the recent innovations in nuclear medicine, the nuclear medicine community believes that it is reasonable that the requirements laid out in Directive 2001/83 EC, which is also applicable to radiopharmaceuticals, need to be revised. The challenges posed by implementing this outdated regulatory framework manifest in different ways, but mainly resulting in an increased level of heterogeneity in the interpretation of the Directive among Member States and, ultimately, a negative impact on the availability of radiopharmaceuticals due to an unsure legal basis.

In this respect, the EANM sees the need for the adaption of Directive 2001/83 in the following areas:

  • Definition of terms to reflect today’s nuclear medicine and radiopharmacy practices
  • Differentiation in regulations between kit-based radiopharmaceuticals preparation and complex radiopharmaceuticals preparation
  • Differentiation in regulations considering production settings (commercial vs in-house)
  • Evaluation of dedicated guidelines for the in-house preparation of radiopharmaceuticals for non-commercial use within healthcare establishments could be implemented in the revision

December 2021

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EANM's response to the European Commission’s Consultation on Revision of the EU general pharmaceuticals legislation

As part of the EU pharmaceuticals strategy and drawing lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Commission plans to evaluate and revise the EU’s general legislation on medicines for human use to ensure a future-proof and crisis-resistant medicines regulatory system. Legal proposals to review Directive 2001/83/EC and Regulation EC/726/2004 are expected by the end of 2022. The EANM’s main points of concern have been summarised in a briefing paper.

November 2021

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