EU Projects
The EANM is engaging in several European-funded tenders. Check them below!
EU Tenders
Tender’s details: European Commission under Service Contract N° ENER/D3/2019-231-2
Duration: 30 months (2020-2023)
Partners: ESR, ESTRO, EANM
EANM’s role: Consortium Member
Scope and objectives:
QuADRANT aimed to promote constant improvement in the quality and safety of radiology, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine by implementing clinical audits as part of Member States’ healthcare systems. More specifically, the project:
- reviewed the status of implementation of clinical audits in the Member States
- identified good practices in the Member States and available guidance and resources for clinical audits at the national, European and international levels
- provided further guidance and recommendations on improving the implementation and integration of clinical audits into national healthcare systems
- identified the potential for further coordinated EU action on the quality and safety of radiology, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine.
Main deliverables:
Tender’s details: European Commission under Service Contract N°ENER/2022/NUCL/SI2.869532
Duration: 24 months (2022-2024)
EANM’s role: Consortium Member
Scope and objectives:
This study will focus on the implementation of the Euratom and the EU legal bases with respect to the therapeutic uses of radiopharmaceuticals, following this structure:
- Analysis of the interrelations between EU pharmaceutical legislation and Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom
- Survey and analysis of the implementation of relevant European legal requirements for therapeutic nuclear medicine
- Advancing coherent implementation of European legal requirements for therapeutic nuclear medicine
Main deliverable:
Tender’s details: European Commission under Service Contract N°HADEA/2022/OP/0003
Duration: 24 months (2022-2024)
EANM’s role: Member of the Advisory Board & Expert Panel
Scope and objectives:
- The study aims to provide an analysis of workforce availability, education, and training needs to ensure quality and safety aspects of medical applications involving ionising radiation in the EU.
- The study will seek to address the needs for a highly-qualified workforce and proper forecasts of staff requirements by collecting, analysing, and making widely available up-to-date data on staffing, education, and training of the key professional groups in EU Member States. The work will cover the areas of radiology, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, and other medical practices utilising ionising radiation.
- The study also foresees the development of staffing and education/training guidelines for key professional groups.
Main deliverable:
Funding Stream: European Commission under Service ContractN° ENER/2022/NUCL/SI2.8880751
Duration: 24 months (2023-2024)
EANM’s role: Member of the Advisory Board
Scope and objectives:
- This project aims to improve reporting and learning from patient-related incidents and near misses in radiotherapy, interventional cardiology, nuclear medicine and interventional and diagnostic radiology.
- It will support the implementation of Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom by providing a comprehensive description of the status of incident reporting and elaborating consensus guidelines with recommendations on reporting and learning from patient-related incidents and near misses.
Funding stream: European Commission under Service ContractN° ENER
Duration: 24 months (2024-2025)
Partners: Technopolis, ESR, ESTRO, EANM
EANM’s role: Member of the Advisory Board & Experts Panel
Scope and objectives:
The objective of the study is to develop a proposal for a set of common Quality & Safety indicators for medical applications of ionising radiation, for further discussion in the context of the SAMIRA Action Plan. These KPIs should be easy to use and manageable in order to provide a quantitative and/or qualitative assessment of the effects and practical aspects of implementation of the Basic Safety Standards Directive requirements in European Member States.
Funding stream: European Commission under Service Contract N° ENER/2024/NUCL/SI2.926670
Duration: 24 months (2024-2026)
EANM’s role: Consortium Member
Scope and objectives:
- Update existing criteria for acceptability in RP 162 in line with the current state of technical and equipment standards and methods for assessing relevant technical parameters and the latest modifications of the applicable Euratom and EU legal provisions
- Update and extend the criteria for acceptability to new types of equipment used in radiodiagnostic and radiotherapeutic procedures, interventional radiology, and other medical applications of ionising radiation for planning, guiding and verification purposes
- Identify equipment considered obsolete and remove the associated criteria for acceptability from the updated publication