
Radiation protection

The EANM collaborates closely with EU policymakers to ensure that radiation protection regulations and policies align with cutting-edge research and best practices.

EANM / EU & Global Affairs / Policy / Radiation protection

Radiation protection

The European Union has established comprehensive policies and regulations to govern radiation protection within the medical field. These policies aim to minimise exposure to ionising radiation, promote the safe use of radiopharmaceuticals, and ensure compliance with the highest safety standards.

Key EU policy activities in this area include the implementation of the Basic Safety Standards (BSS) Directive, which sets out requirements for radiation protection in medical, industrial, and research settings. The BSS Directive mandates rigorous safety protocols, regular monitoring of radiation levels, and continuous education and training for medical professionals involved in nuclear medicine.

The EANM actively engages with EU policymakers to influence and shape these regulations. By providing expert input and advocating for practical and effective radiation protection measures, the EANM works to ensure that nuclear medicine practices remain safe and beneficial for all stakeholders. Through collaboration with EU institutions and participation in policy discussions and related EU projects, the EANM contributes to the ongoing development and enhancement of radiation protection standards across Europe.