
Vision & mission

The EANM is engaged in a constant dialogue with health stakeholders in Europe, including EU and national policymakers, European advocacy groups, and other professional medical associations.

EANM / EU & Global Affairs / Policy / Vision & mission

Vision & mission

The EANM aims to secure a favourable European policy for Nuclear Medicine practice. Our policy activities are guided by the following strategic objectives:

  1. Affirming nuclear medicine as a distinct medical specialty, necessitating dedicated policy focus.
  2. Advancing education and training for all specialists involved in nuclear medicine procedures.
  3. Promoting policy recommendations to enhance accessibility to nuclear medicine services for optimal patient care.

As part of its new strategy, the EANM has launched a European outreach and liaison programme. This programme monitors and influences the adoption of EU legislation and policies affecting access to and availability of nuclear medicine services. In close cooperation with our member and partner organisations, we ensure the implementation of EU legislation at the European level.

At the EU level, our policy work encompasses numerous initiatives, including but not limited to the following: