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Position Papers & Editorials

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EANM / Publications / Other publications / Position Papers & Editorials

EANM position paper on challenges and opportunities of full-ring 360° CZT bone imaging: it’s time to let go of planar whole-body bone imaging

Richard Graham, David Morland, Sarah Cade, Laetitia Imbert, Emmanouil Panagiotidis, Jens Kurth, Frédéric Paycha & Tim Van den Wyngaert

read here September 11, 2024

Neuroimaging biomarkers in the biological definition of Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies – EANM position on current state, unmet needs and future perspectives

Matthias Brendel, Eric Guedj, Igor Yakushev, Silvia Morbelli, Günter U. Höglinger, Nelleke Tolboom, Antoine Verger, Nathalie L. Albert, Diego Cecchin, Pablo Aguiar Fernandez, Francesco Fraioli, Tatjana Traub-Weidinger, Donatienne Van Weehaeghe & Henryk Barthel

read here June 22, 2024

EANM perspectives for CZT SPECT in brain applications.

Antoine Verger, Diego Cecchin, Eric Guedj, Nathalie L Albert, Matthias Brendel, Francesco Fraioli, Nelleke Tolboom, Tatjana Traub-Weidinger, Igor Yakushev, Donatienne Van Weehaeghe, Pablo Aguiar Fernandez, Valentina Garibotto & Laetitia Imbert

read here June 11, 2024

Joint EANM-SNMMI guidelines on the role of 2-[18F]FDG PET/CT in no special type breast cancer: differences and agreements with European and American guidelines

David Groheux, Sofia C. Vaz, Gary A. Ulaner, Gary J. R. Cook, John Patrick Pilkington Woll, Ritse M. Mann, Philip Poortmans, Fatima Cardoso, Heather Jacene, Stephanie L. Graff, Isabel T. Rubio, Marie-Jeanne Vrancken Peeters, Elizabeth H. Dibble & Lioe-Fee de Geus-Oei

read here May 2, 2024

EANM position on positron emission tomography in suspected functional pituitary neuroendocrine tumours.

Donatienne Van Weehaeghe, Bruno Lapauw, Francesco Fraioli, Diego Cecchin, Antoine Verger, Eric Guedj, Nathalie L Albert, Matthias Brendel, Igor Yakushev, Henryk Barthel, Tatjana Traub-Weidinger, Nelleke Tolboom & Elsmarieke Van De Giessen

read here April 30, 2024

The European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)’s Response to the 2023 European Thyroid Association (ETA) clinical practice guidelines for thyroid nodule management and nuclear medicine: a deliberate oversight?

Michael C. Kreissl, Petra Petranović Ovčariček, Alfredo Campenni, Alexis Vrachimis, Murat Tuncel & Luca Giovanella

read here January 16, 2024

EANM position paper: theranostics in brain tumours—the present and the future

Nelleke Tolboom, Antoine Verger, Nathalie L. Albert, Matthias Brendel, Diego Cecchin, Pablo Aguiar Fernandez, Francesco Fraioli, Eric Guedj, Ken Herrmann, Tatjana Traub-Weidinger, Silvia Morbelli, Igor Yakushev, Pietro Zucchetta, Henryk Barthel & Donatienne Van Weehaeghe

read here September 12, 2023

How to attract young talent to nuclear medicine step 1: a survey conducted by the EANM Oncology and Theranostics Committee to understand the expectations of the next generation

Valentina Ambrosini, Sofia Carrilho Vaz, Niloefar Ahmadi Bidakhvidi, Marion Chanchou, Matthijs C. F. Cysouw, Francesca Serani, Conrad-Amadeus Voltin, Francoise Kraeber-Bodere, Christophe M. Deroose, Lioe-Fee De Geus-Oei, Matthias Eiber, Gopinath Gnanasegaran, Martin Gotthardt, Carsten Kobe, Mark W. Konijnenberg, Cristina Nanni, Daniela E. Oprea Lager, Kambiz Rahbar, David Taieb, Felix M. Mottaghy, Karolien Goffin & Ken Herrmann

read here September 9, 2023

Results from an EANM survey on time estimates and personnel responsible for main tasks in molecular radiotherapy dosimetry

Pablo Mínguez Gabiña, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, Marta Cremonesi, Caroline Stokke, Glenn Flux, Francesco Cicone, Mark Konijnenberg, Matt Aldridge, Mattias Sandstrom, Carlo Chiesa, Maria Paphiti, Eero Hippeläinen, Carlos Uribe, Pavel Solny, Silvano Gnesin, Peter Bernhardt, Nicolas Chouin, Pedro Fragoso Costa, Gerhard Glatting, Frederik Verburg & Jonathan Gear

read here May 2, 2023

FDA approval of lecanemab: the real start of widespread amyloid PET use? — the EANM Neuroimaging Committee perspective

Antoine Verger, Igor Yakushev, Nathalie L. Albert, Bart van Berckel, Matthias Brendel, Diego Cecchin, Pablo Aguiar Fernandez, Francesco Fraioli, Eric Guedj, Silvia Morbelli, Nelleke Tolboom, Tatjana Traub-Weidinger, Donatienne Van Weehaeghe & Henryk Barthel

read here March 4, 2023

European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) response to the proposed ASTRO’s framework for radiopharmaceutical therapy curriculum development for trainees

Rudi Dierckx, Ken Herrmann, Roland Hustinx, Michael Lassmann, Wolfgang Wadsak & Jolanta Kunikowska

read here October 17, 2022

European consensus for the diagnosis of MCI and mild dementia: Preparatory phase

Cristina Festari, Federico Massa, Matteo Cotta Ramusino, Federica Gandolfo, Valentina Nicolosi, Stefania Orini, Dag Aarsland, Federica Agosta, Claudio Babiloni, Mercè Boada, Barbara Borroni, Stefano Cappa, Bruno Dubois, Kristian S. Frederiksen, Lutz Froelich, Valentina Garibotto, Jean Georges, Alexander Haliassos, Oskar Hansson, Frank Jessen, Anita Kamondi, Roy P. C. Kessels, Silvia Morbelli, John T. O’Brien, Markus Otto, Armand Perret-Liaudet, Francesca B. Pizzini, Craig W. Ritchie, Philip Scheltens, Mathieu Vandenbulcke, Ritva Vanninen, Frans Verhey, Meike W. Vernooij, Tarek Yousry, Wiesje M. Van Der Flier, Flavio Nobili, Giovanni B. Frisoni

read here October 9, 2022

An EANM position paper on advancing radiobiology for shaping the future of nuclear medicine

EANM Radiobiology Working Group:, Jean-Pierre Pouget, Mark Konijnenberg, Uta Eberlein, Gerhard Glatting, Pablo Minguez Gabina, Ken Herrmann, Søren Holm, Lidia Strigari, Fijs W. B. van Leeuwen & Michael Lassmann

read here September 6, 2022

An EANM position paper on the application of artificial intelligence in nuclear medicine

Roland Hustinx, Jan Pruim, Michael Lassmann & Dimitris Visvikis

read here August 25, 2022

Application of artificial intelligence in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging: a review of current status and future perspectives for clinical translation

Dimitris Visvikis, Philippe Lambin, Kim Beuschau Mauridsen, Roland Hustinx, Michael Lassmann, Christoph Rischpler, Kuangyu Shi & Jan Pruim

read here July 9, 2022

SNMMI/EANM practice guideline vs. ETA Consensus Statement: differences and similarities in approaching differentiated thyroid cancer management—the EANM perspective

Petra Petranović Ovčariček, Michael C. Kreissl, Alfredo Campenni, Bart de Keizer, Murat Tuncel, Alexis Vrachimis, Desiree Deandreis & Luca Giovanella

read here August 10, 2022

Hot spot imaging in cardiovascular diseases: an information statement from SNMMI, ASNC, and EANM

Brett W. Sperry MD a, Timothy M. Bateman MD a, Esma A. Akin MD b, Paco E. Bravo MD c, Wengen Chen MD, PhD d, Vasken Dilsizian MD d, Fabien Hyafil MD, PhD e, Yiu Ming Khor MBBS f, Robert J.H. Miller MD g, Riemer H.J.A. Slart MD, PhD h i, Piotr Slomka PhD j, Hein Verberne MD, PhD k, Edward J. Miller MD l, Chi Liu PhD l

read here January 5, 2024

2-[18F]-FDG PET for imaging brain involvement in patients with long COVID: perspective of the EANM Neuroimaging Committee

Antoine Verger, Henryk Barthel, Nelleke Tolboom, Francesco Fraioli, Diego Cecchin, Nathalie L. Albert, Bart van Berckel, Ronald Boellaard, Matthias Brendel, Ozgul Ekmekcioglu, Franck Semah, Tatjana Traub-Weidinger, Donatienne van de Weehaeghe, Silvia Morbelli & Eric Guedj

read here July 16, 2022

2022 follow-up: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on nuclear medicine departments in Europe

Richard Graham, Ana P. Moreira, Andor W. J. M. Glaudemans, Lars Thorbjørn Jensen, Jasna Mihaïlovic, Sergei Nazarenko, Zehra Ozcan, Doina Piciu, Wolfgang Wadsak, Jolanta Kunikowska & François Jamar

read here June 23, 2022

EANM-EAU consensus on PSMA PET/CT in respect to radioligand therapy ([177Lu]Lu-PSMA)

Stefano Fanti, Jolanta Kunikowska, Jochen Walz, Wim Witjes & Anders Bjartell

read here June 14, 2022

EAU-EANM Consensus Statements on the Role of Prostate-specific Membrane Antigen Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography in Patients with Prostate Cancer and with Respect to [177Lu]Lu-PSMA Radioligand Therapy

Stefano Fanti a b, Alberto Briganti c, Louise Emmett d, Karim Fizazi e, Silke Gillessen f g, Karolien Goffin h, Boris A. Hadaschik i, Ken Herrmann j, Jolanta Kunikowska k, Tobias Maurer l, Steven MacLennan m, Nicolas Mottet n, Declan G. Murphy o, Daniela E. Oprea-Lager p, Joe M. O’Sullivan q, Wim J.G. Oyen r s t, Olivier Rouvière u v, Oliver Sartor w, Arnulf Stenzl x, Hendrik Van Poppel y, Jochen Walz z, Wim Witjes aa, Anders Bjartell

read here June 11, 2022

Gender issues in the nuclear medicine community: results from a survey promoted by the EANM Women Empowerment Task Force

Laura Evangelista, Agata Pietrzak, Ozgul Ekmekcioglu, Petra Petranovic Ovcaricek, Valentina Ambrosini, Sona Balogova, Lidia Cunha, Amy Eccles, Valentina Garibotto, Valerie Lewington, Ora Israel & Jolanta Kunikowska

read here April 6, 2022

EANM position on the in-house preparation of radiopharmaceuticals

Harry Hendrikse, Oliver Kiss, Jolanta Kunikowska, Wolfgang Wadsak, Clemens Decristoforo & Marianne Patt

read here January 20, 2022

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on nuclear medicine departments in Europe

Ana Paula Moreira, François Jamar, Zehra Ozcan, Doina Piciu, Claudine Als, Maja Franceschi, Elin Trägårdh, Ivana Zagar, Anna Sowa-Staszczak, Florent Cachin, Roel Bennink, Flavio Forrer, Tom Christian Adamsen, Andreas Fotopolous, Marika Kalnina, Lars Thorbjørn Jensen, Hanna Mussalo, Milan Simanek, Lina Garcia-Cañamaque, Sergei Nazarenko, Jasna Mihailovic, Zvi Bar-Sever, Martin O’Connell, Daniela Miladinova, Richard Graham, Raffaele Giubbini, Lucia Kaliská, Damir Rozić, Bernd J. Krause, Hans-Jürgen Gallowitsch, Tamás Györke, Severina Sediene, Pavel Rumyantsev, Wolfgang Wadsak & Jolanta Kunikowska

read here July 30, 2021

The approval of a disease-modifying treatment for Alzheimer’s disease: impact and consequences for the nuclear medicine community

Valentina Garibotto, Nathalie L. Albert, Henryk Barthel, Bart van Berckel, Ronald Boellaard, Matthias Brendel, Diego Cecchin, Ozgul Ekmekcioglu, Elsmarieke van de Giessen, Eric Guedj, Adriaan A. Lammerstma, Franck Semah, Tatjana Traub-Weidinger, Donatienne Van Weehaeghe & Silvia Morbelli for the EANM Neuroimaging Committee

read here July 17, 2021

EANM position paper on the role of radiobiology in nuclear medicine

An Aerts, Uta Eberlein, Sören Holm, Roland Hustinx, Mark Konijnenberg, Lidia Strigari, Fijs W.B. van Leeuwen, Gerhard Glatting & Michael Lassmann

read here April 29, 2021

Position paper of the EACVI and EANM on artificial intelligence applications in multimodality cardiovascular imaging using SPECT/CT, PET/CT, and cardiac CT

Riemer H. J. A. Slart, Michelle C. Williams, Luis Eduardo Juarez-Orozco, Christoph Rischpler, Marc R. Dweck, Andor W. J. M. Glaudemans, Alessia Gimelli, Panagiotis Georgoulias, Olivier Gheysens, Oliver Gaemperli, Gilbert Habib, Roland Hustinx, Bernard Cosyns, Hein J. Verberne, Fabien Hyafil, Paola A. Erba, Mark Lubberink, Piotr Slomka, Ivana Išgum, Dimitris Visvikis, Márton Kolossváry & Antti Saraste

read here April 17, 2021

EANM position paper on article 56 of the Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom (basic safety standards) for nuclear medicine therapy

Mark Konijnenberg, Ken Herrmann, Carsten Kobe, Frederik Verburg, Cecilia Hindorf, Roland Hustinx & Michael Lassmann

read here October 15, 2020

EANM Focus 3: The International Conference on Molecular Imaging and Theranostics in Neuroendocrine Tumours—the consensus in a nutshell

Jolanta Kunikowska, Valentina Ambrosini & Ken Herrmann

read here February 24, 2021

Consensus on molecular imaging and theranostics in neuroendocrine neoplasms

Valentina Ambrosini, Jolanta Kunikowska, Eric Baudin, Lisa Bodei, Catherine Bouvier, Jaume Capdevila, Marta Cremonesi, Wouter W. de Herder, Clarisse Dromain, Massimo Falconi, Melpomeni Fani, Stefano Fanti, Rodney J. Hicks, Levent Kabasakal, Gregory Kaltsas, Val Lewington, Silvia Minozzi, Michela Cinquini, Kjell Öberg, Wim. J.G. Oyen, Dermot O’Toole, Marianne Pavel, Philippe Ruszniewski, Aldo Scarpa, Jonathan Strosberg, Anders Sundin, David Taïeb, Irene Virgolini, Damian Wild, Ken Herrmann, James Yao

read here February 12, 2021

Finding our way through the labyrinth of dementia biomarkers

Gaël Chételat, Javier Arbizu, Henryk Barthel, Valentina Garibotto, Adriaan A. Lammertsma, Ian Law, Silvia Morbelli, Elsmarieke van de Giessen & Alexander Drzezga

read here April 20, 2021

Amyloid-PET and 18F-FDG-PET in the diagnostic investigation of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias

Gaël Chételat, Javier Arbizu, Henryk Barthel, Valentina Garibotto, Ian Law, Silvia Morbelli, Elsmarieke van de Giessen, Federica Agosta, Frederik Barkhof, David J Brooks, Maria C Carrillo, Bruno Dubois, Anders M Fjell, Giovanni B Frisoni, Oskar Hansson, Karl Herholz, Brian F Hutton, Clifford R Jack Jr, Adriaan A Lammertsma, Susan M Landau 20, Satoshi Minoshima, Flavio Nobili, Agneta Nordberg, Rik Ossenkoppele, Wim J G Oyen, Daniela Perani, Gil D Rabinovici, Philip Scheltens, Victor L Villemagne, Henrik Zetterberg, Alexander Drzezga

read here November 19, 2020

A joint procedural position statement on imaging in cardiac sarcoidosis: from the Cardiovascular and Inflammation & Infection Committees of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging, and the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology

Riemer H.J.A. Slart a b, Andor W.J.M. Glaudemans a, Patrizio Lancellotti c d, Fabien Hyafil e f, Ron Blankstein g h, Ronald G. Schwartz i j, Wael A. Jaber k, Raymond Russell l, Alessia Gimelli m, François Rouzet e, Marcus Hacker n, Olivier Gheysens o p, Sven Plein q, Edward J. Miller r, Sharmila Dorbala g h, Erwan Donal s t, Document Reading Group

read here October 4, 2017

Consensus on molecular imaging and theranostics in prostate cancer

Daniela-Elena Oprea-Lager, Steven MacLennan, Anders Bjartell, Alberto Briganti, Irene A Burger, Igle de Jong, Maria De Santis, Uta Eberlein, Louise Emmett, Karim Fizazi, Silke Gillessen, Ken Herrmann, Sandra Heskamp, Andrei Iagaru, Barbara Alicja Jereczek-Fossa, Jolanta Kunikowska, Marnix Lam, Cristina Nanni, Joe M O’Sullivan, Valeria Panebianco, Evis Sala, Mike Sathekge, Roman Sosnowski, Derya Tilki, Bertrand Tombal, Giorgio Treglia, Nina Tunariu, Jochen Walz, Derya Yakar, Rudi Dierckx, Oliver Sartor, Stefano Fanti

read here September 22, 2023

A joint procedural position statement on imaging in cardiac sarcoidosis: from the Cardiovascular and Inflammation & Infection Committees of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging, and the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology

Writing group, Bernard Cosyns

read here October 1, 2017

Position paper on requirements for toxicological studies in the specific case of radiopharmaceuticals

J. Koziorowski, M. Behe, C. Decristoforo, J. Ballinger, P. Elsinga, V. Ferrari, P. Kolenc Peitl, S. Todde & T. L. Mindt

read here March 21, 2016

Position paper of the Cardiovascular Committee of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) on PET imaging of atherosclerosis

Jan Bucerius, Fabien Hyafil, Hein J. Verberne, Riemer H. J. A. Slart, Oliver Lindner, Roberto Sciagra, Denis Agostini, Christopher Übleis, Alessia Gimelli & Marcus Hacker

read here December 17, 2015

Reporting nuclear cardiology: a joint position paper by the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) and the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI)

Elin Trägårdh, Birger Hesse, Juhani Knuuti, Albert Flotats, Philipp A. Kaufmann, Anastasia Kitsiou, Marcus Hacker, Hein J. Verberne, Lars Edenbrandt, Document Reviewers:, Victoria Delgado, Erwan Donal, Thor Edvardsen, Maurizio Galderisi, Gilbert Habib, Patrizio Lancellotti, Koen Nieman, Raphael Rosenhek, (for EACVI) and, Denis Agostini, Alessia Gimelli, Oliver Lindner, Riemert Slart, Christopher Übleis

read here January 24, 2015