

Read more about our key electoral bodies.

EANM Assemblies

The EANM operates through 2 key electoral bodies: the Members’ Assembly and the Delegates’ Assembly.

These bodies are instrumental in ensuring effective governance and representation within the association. Each assembly plays a distinct role in addressing the needs and interests of its members and delegates, contributing to the overall strategic direction of the EANM.

2024 EANM Board Elections

The 2024 Board elections will be held remotely via e-voting procedure between September 30 and October 6, 2024. 

Every ordinary member, regardless of their background and expertise, is invited to apply for the open EANM Board positions. 

EANM Board – Open Positions:

  1. President Elect 2025-2026 (President 2027-2028) – elected by the Delegates’ Assembly 
  2. Internal Groups Officer 2025-2026 – elected by the Delegates’ Assembly
  3. Scientific Liaison Officer 2025-2026 – elected by the Members’ Assembly 

Please note that the current Scientific Liaison Officer, Michel Koole, can stand for election for another term and is willing to do so. 

Further, the call for internal auditors is open. 

Application process:

The EANM Statutes (§ 6.5) state that ordinary members resident in those countries which have the status of National Member Society (see § 4.5.2) and who have had a valid membership for at least the previous three years have the right to stand for election to the Board (passive right to vote). 

Applicants are requested to send the following to the EANM Executive Office via 

  • CV 
  • portrait picture  
  • motivation letter (max. 1 page) 
  • a filled in Disclosure of Interests form (available through the EANM Executive Office 
  • a confirmation of time availability 

This information will be made available to the EANM Members and National Delegates eligible to vote.  

Application deadline:

All documents related to the elections must be received by the EANM Executive Office in writing before July 22, 2024 (23:59 CEST). 

Expected workload:

Since the EANM Board positions carry large responsibilities and are assigned with specific tasks, candidates need to be willing and able to commit the required time investment to EANM-related business.  

Therefore, a letter of confirmation is required, stipulating that the candidate is able and willing to allocate the time required to fulfil EANM Board duties and EANM affairs for the period in office, signed by the candidate and countersigned by the candidate’s employer or equivalent, when and where applicable. Upon request, further details can be obtained from the EANM Executive Office via

EANM Board Position  Daily business (hrs/week)  Travel days (in addition) 
President  up to 25 hrs per week  up to 50 travel days 
President Elect  up to 15 hrs per week  up to 40 travel days 
Internal Groups Officer  up to 15 hrs per week  up to 20 travel days 
Scientific Liaison Officer  up to 15 hrs per week  up to 25 travel days 

For all positions, a confirmation needs to be provided for both years in office, for the President Elect for four years in office (two years as Elect and two years as President). 

Honorary and Corresponding Honorary Members:

According to § 11.15, the Board will propose the EANM Honorary Membership and Corresponding Honorary Membership nominations for approval by the Members’ Assembly. 

Call for EANM Internal Auditors:

  1. First EANM Internal Auditor 2025-2026 – elected by the Members’ Assembly 
  2. Second EANM Internal Auditor 2025-2026 – elected by the Members’ Assembly 

According to § 15.1 and § 15.2, the EANM Internal Auditors check the EANM’s financial accounts as prepared by the EANM Secretary/Treasurer, the EANM CEOs and the external EANM accountant and provide a report on the EANM Membership during the EANM Members’ Assembly. 

Any ordinary member of the EANM in good standing may apply by sending their CV to the EANM Executive Office via before July 22, 2024 (23:59 CEST). This information will be made available to the EANM members eligible to vote. 

Emeritus/Senior Membership is open to any Ordinary Member who is at least 65 years old (at the time of application).

E-Voting Procedure:  

Information and details on the e-voting procedure will be provided in due time by the EANM Executive Office. According to § 6.4 and 7.5 of the EANM Statutes, details will be shared only with eligible EANM Members in good standing as of September 2, 2024. 

The e-voting platform will be open between September 30 and October 6, 2024.


The election results will be presented in Hamburg at the EANM’24 Congress, during the Delegates’ and Members’ Assembly on Saturday, October 19, and Sunday, October 20, 2024, respectively.  

EANM Members' Assembly

The Members’ Assembly serves as the primary forum for members in good standing to exchange information and discuss various topics. These include the work of elected representatives, financial matters, the future direction of the association, and other relevant items on the agenda. The Assembly is dedicated to addressing and serving the needs of individual members, ensuring their voices are heard and their concerns are addressed. The President and Secretary/Treasurer chair the Members’ Assembly, guiding the discussions and ensuring the smooth conduct of proceedings. Through this Assembly, members have the opportunity to engage actively in the governance and strategic planning of the association, fostering a collaborative and transparent environment.

The Members’ Assembly meets annually during the EANM Annual Congress.

SAVE THE DATE! Next EANM Members’ Assembly:

Sunday, October 20, 2024, 13:15-14:45

Hall F (Level 2), Congress Center Hamburg (CCH)

EANM Delegates' Assembly

The Delegates’ Assembly is the association’s primary forum for delegates from various European National Societies. This assembly addresses national needs and lays the groundwork for developing a common strategy that aligns with the interests of all member societies. The President and Secretary/Treasurer chair the Delegates’ Assembly, ensuring structured and effective discussions. Each delegate represents their respective country, providing a national perspective and contributing to the overall policy of the EANM as proposed by the Board. The Assembly aims to foster collaboration and mutual understanding among European National Societies, ensuring that their collective interests are reflected in the association’s strategic decisions. Through this Assembly, delegates play a crucial role in shaping the direction and policies of the EANM, promoting a unified approach to achieving the association’s goals.

The Delegates’ Assembly meets twice a year – once in the spring and once again during the EANM Annual Congress.

SAVE THE DATE! Next EANM Delegates’ Assembly:

Saturday, October 19, 2024, 14:00-16:00 CEST

Congress Center Hamburg (CCH)