Congress Awards

EANM Marie Curie Award

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EANM Marie Curie Award

The Award Application Process
  • Short presentation of the research during the Award Ceremony.
  • Marie Curie Medal and diploma handed over on stage during the Award Ceremony, presented by the EANM President.
  • Award of € 5,000.-, which will be transferred after the end of the EANM Annual Congress.
  • One complimentary (non-transferable) registration for either the EANM Focus Meeting or the EANM Annual Congress in the subsequent year.

Who can apply?

  • Candidates must have their main residence in Europe.
  • At least one of the authors must be a member of the EANM.
  • Only research projects that have been conducted in Europe will be considered.
  • The submitted paper must not have been published before the last EANM Annual Congress. The EANM Congress Chair invites potential candidates to provide testimony for this.
  • A certificate showing that the legal requirements (including ethical and radiation protection requirements) were met when performing the study must be presented.
  • The Award should be given to the author of the work, which is, in terms of scientific quality, the best contribution to the EANM Annual Congress.

Application and Procedure:

  • The best scored 2 abstracts (after the review process (blinded)) from each abstract category fulfilling the MCA criteria will be selected. In addition, the 10 best scored abstracts (out of all submissions) will be added – if not already among the chosen ones.
  • Those abstracts will be again blinded and rated by the EANM Scientific Programme Council.
  • The best 10 rated abstracts will be once more reviewed (again blinded) by international peer reviewers*.
    *The EANM Board will suggest at least 10 peer reviewers who are neither linked to any of the abstracts, mentioned authors, nor the institutions involved. 
  • The EANM Executive Office will notify the authors of the top 3 submissions, requesting a portrait picture, a 2-slides-presentation and their onsite presence at the respective Award Ceremony.
  • The Award is bestowed during the EANM Congress by the EANM President. The decision is not open to appeal or legal action.
  • Further information regarding the abstract submission process can be found on the EANM’25 website.
  • NB: The EANM Board is not involved in the selection process at any time, and all scores will be given during the three rating stages to anonymised abstracts. 

Overview over past winners

2024 Hamburg: Therapy with the somatostatin receptor antagonist DOTA-LM3 labeled with terbium-161: Interim results of the Phase 0 Study in patients with gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors

Therapy with the somatostatin receptor antagonist DOTA-LM3 labeled with terbium-161: Interim results of the Phase 0 Study in patients with gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors

J.Fricke1, F. Westerbergh2, L. McDougall1, C. Favaretto1,3, E. Christ4,5, G. Nicolas1, S. Geistlich3, F. Borgna3, M. Fani1, P. Bernhardt2,6, N. van der Meulen3, C. Müller3,7, R. Schibli3,7, D. Wild1,5;

1Division of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Basel, Basel, SWITZERLAND, 2Department of Medical Radiation Sciences, Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, SWEDEN, 3Center for Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Villigen-PSI, SWITZERLAND, 4Division of Endocrinology, University Hospital Basel, Basel, SWITZERLAND, 5ENETS Center of Excellence for Neuroendocrine and Endocrine Tumors, University Hospital Basel, Basel, SWITZERLAND, 6Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, SWITZERLAND, 7Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich, Zurich, SWITZERLAND.

© Faistauer Photography

2023 Vienna: Molecular imaging predicts response absence to T-DM1 in advanced HER2-positive breast cancer: final results from a prospective phase II ZEPHIR trial

Molecular imaging predicts response absence to T-DM1 in advanced HER2-positive breast cancer: final results from a prospective phase II ZEPHIR trial

Mileva1, E. G. de Vries2, T. Guiot3, Z. Wimana4, A. Deleu1, C. Schröder5,6, Y. Lefebvre1, M. Paesmans7, S. Stroobants8, M. Huizing9, P. Aftimos10, J. Tol11, W. Van der Graaf12, W. Oyen13,14,15, D. Vugts16, C. Menke-van der Houven van Oordt12, A. Brouwers17, M. Piccart-Gebhart10, P. Flamen1, G. Gebhart1;

1Department of Nuclear Medicine, Institut Jules Bordet, Hôpital Universitaire de Bruxelles (H.U.B), Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, BELGIUM, 2Department of Medical Oncology, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, Groningen, NETHERLANDS, 3Department of Medical Physics, Institut Jules Bordet, Hôpital Universitaire de Bruxelles (H.U.B), Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, BELGIUM, 4Department of Radiopharmacy, Institut Jules Bordet, Hôpital Universitaire de Bruxelles (H.U.B), Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, BELGIUM, 5Department of Medical Oncology, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, NETHERLANDS, 6Department of Medical Oncology, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek-Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS, 7Data center, Institut Jules Bordet, Hôpital Universitaire de Bruxelles (H.U.B), Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, BELGIUM, 8Department of Nuclear Medicine, Antwerp University Hospital, Edegem, Antwerp, BELGIUM, 9Department of Medical Oncology, Antwerp University Hospital, Edegem, Antwerp, BELGIUM, 10Department of Medical Oncology, Institut Jules Bordet, Hôpital Universitaire de Bruxelles (H.U.B), Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, BELGIUM, 11Department of Internal Medicine, Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, Den Bosch, the Netherlands, Den Bosch, NETHERLANDS, 12Department of Medical Oncology, Amsterdam UMC location VUMC, Cancer Centre Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS, 13Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, Humanitas University, Milan, ITALY, 14Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Rijnstate Hospital, Arnhem, NETHERLANDS, 15Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS, 16Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit, Cancer Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS, 17Department of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, NETHERLANDS.

2022 Barcelona: [18F]AlF-NOTA-octreotide vs. [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-somatostatin analogue PET in neuroendocrine tumour patients: final results of a prospective multicentre trial

[18F]AlF-NOTA-octreotide vs. [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-somatostatin analogue PET in neuroendocrine tumour patients: final results of a prospective multicentre trial

E. Pauwels1, F. Cleeren2, T. Tshibangu2, M. Koole1, K. Serdons1, L. Boeckxstaens1, J. Dekervel3, T. Vandamme4,5, W. Lybaert5, B. Van den Broeck6, P. M. Clement7, K. Geboes8, E. Van Cutsem3, S. Stroobants9, C. Verslype3, G. Bormans2, C. M. Deroose1;

1Nuclear Medicine, University Hospitals Leuven; Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Department of Imaging and Pathology, KU Leuven, Leuven, BELGIUM, 2Radiopharmaceutical Research, Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, KU Leuven, Leuven, BELGIUM, 3Digestive Oncology, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, BELGIUM, 4Center for Oncological Research (CORE), Integrated Personalized and Precision Oncology Network (IPPON), University of Antwerp, Antwerp, BELGIUM, 5Oncology, NETwerk Antwerpen-Waasland CoE, Antwerpen, BELGIUM, 6Nuclear Medicine, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, BELGIUM, 7General Medical Oncology, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, BELGIUM, 8Digestive Oncology, Department of Gastroenterology, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, BELGIUM, 9Nuclear Medicine, Antwerp University Hospital; Molecular Imaging and radiology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Antwerp, Wilrijk, BELGIUM.

2021 Virtual: Enhanced Therapeutic Effect of the Albumin-Binding [177Lu]Lu-Ibu-DAB-PSMA as Compared to [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 – A Preclinical Therapy Study

Enhanced Therapeutic Effect of the Albumin-Binding [177Lu]Lu-Ibu-DAB-PSMA as Compared to [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 – A Preclinical Therapy Study

V. Tschan1, F. Borgna1, R. Schibli1,2, C. Müller1,2;

1Paul Scherrer Institute, 5232 Villigen-PSI, SWITZERLAND, 2ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich, SWITZERLAND.

2020 Virtual: Circulating androgen receptor gene amplification and resistance to 177Lu-PSMA-617 in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: results of a phase 2 trial

Circulating androgen receptor gene amplification and resistance to 177Lu-PSMA-617 in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: results of a phase 2 trial

G. Paganelli1, S. Severi1, M. Sansovini1, S. Nicolini1, I. Grassi1, F. von Eyben2, V. Conteduca1, M. Monti1, F. Foca1, G. Gurioli1, M. Celli1, F. Matteucci1, U. De Giorgi1;

1Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori, IRST IRCCS, Meldola (FC), ITALY, 2Center of Tobacco Control Research, Odense M, DENMARK.

2019 Barcelona: Changes in synaptic density in relation to tau deposition in prodromal Alzheimer’s disease: a dual protocol PET-MR study

Changes in synaptic density in relation to tau deposition in prodromal Alzheimer’s disease: a dual protocol PET-MR study

C. H. R. J. Vanhaute1, J. Ceccarini2, L. Michiels3, S. Sunaert4, R. Lemmens3, L. Emsell4, M. Vandenbulcke5, K. Van Laere2;

1Nuclear Medicine and molecular imaging, Department of Geriatric Psychiatry, University Hospitals Leuven; department of imaging and pathology, Catholic University Leuven, Leuven, BELGIUM, 2Nuclear Medicine and molecular imaging, University Hospitals Leuven; department of imaging and pathology, Catholic University Leuven, Leuven, BELGIUM, 3Department of Neurology, University Hospitals Leuven; Laboratory for neurobiology, Catholic University Leuven; Center for Brain and disease research, VIB-KU Leuven, Leuven, BELGIUM, 4Department of Imaging and pathology, Translational MRI; Catholic University Leuven, Leuven, BELGIUM, 5Department of Geriatric Psychiatry, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, BELGIUM..

2018 Düsseldorf: Terbium-161 for PSMA-Targeted Radionuclide Therapy of Prostate Cancer

Terbium-161 for PSMA-Targeted Radionuclide Therapy of Prostate Cancer

C. Mueller1, C. A. Umbricht1, N. Gracheva1, V. J. Tschan1, G. Pellegrini2, P. Bernhardt3, J. R. Zeevaart4, U. Koester5, R. Schibli1, N. P. van der Meulen1;

1Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen-PSI, SWITZERLAND, 2Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich, Zurich, SWITZERLAND, 3University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, SWEDEN, 4Necsa, Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA, 5Insitut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, FRANCE.

2017 Vienna: PSMA-targeting alpha-Radiation therapy with 225Actinium-PSMA-617: Dosimetry, toxicity and duration of tumor-control

PSMA-targeting alpha-Radiation therapy with 225Actinium-PSMA-617: Dosimetry, toxicity and duration of tumor-control

C. Kratochwil1, F. Bruchertseifer2, F. L. Giesel1, C. Apostolidis2, U. Haberkorn1, A. Morgenstern2;

1University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GERMANY, 2EC-JRC, Directorate for Nuclear Safety and Security, Karlsruhe, GERMANY.

2016 Barcelona: Secondary glioblastoma multiforme – local alpha emiters targeted therapy with 213Bi-DOTA-substance P

Secondary glioblastoma multiforme – local alpha emiters targeted therapy with 213Bi-DOTA-substance P

L. Królicki1, A. Morgenstern2, J. Kunikowska1, H. Koziara3, B. Królicki3, M. Jakuciński4, D. Pawlak5, C. Apostolidis2, F. Bruchertseifer2;

Department of Nuclear Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 2 European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Transuranium Elements, Karlsruhe, Germany, 3 Department of Neurosurgery, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Warsaw, Poland, 4 Department of Nuclear Medicine, Brodnowski Hospital, Warsaw, Poland, 5 Radioisotope Centre POLATOM, National Centre for Nuclear Research, Otwock, POLAND.

2015 Hamburg: Feasibility of Affibody molecule-based PNA-mediated pretargeting

Feasibility of Affibody molecule-based PNA-mediated pretargeting

A. Honarvar et al.,

Uppsala University, Uppsala, SWEDEN.

2014 Gothenburg: Visualising Parasympathetic Denervation in Parkinson’s Disease – [11C]donepezil PET for Imaging Acetylcholinesterase Density in Peripheral Organs (Part I)

Visualising Parasympathetic Denervation in Parkinson’s Disease – [11C]donepezil PET for Imaging Acetylcholinesterase Density in Peripheral Organs (Part I)

P. Borghammer et al.Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, DENMARK.

2013 Lyon: A new route toward enhancing the uptake of [111In/177Lu-DOTA,Leu15]MG11 in CCK2R-positive xenografts in mice

A new route toward enhancing the uptake of [111In/177Lu-DOTA,Leu15]MG11 in CCK2R-positive xenografts in mice

A. Kaloudi1, B. A. Nock1, E. Lymperis1, P. J. Marsouvanidis1,2, E. P. Krenning2, M. de Jong2,3, T. Maina-Nock1;1Molecular Radiopharmacy, INRASTES, NCSR Demokritos, Athens, GREECE, 2Department of Nuclear Medicine, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS, 3Department of Radiology, Erasmus MC, Radiology, NETHERLANDS.

2012 Milan: Detection of prostate cancer using 68Ga-labelled bombesin analogue BAY 86-7548 in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy

Detection of prostate cancer using 68Ga-labelled bombesin analogue BAY 86-7548 in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy

H. Minn2,5, E. Kähkönen1, I. Jambor2,3, J. Kemppainen2,4, K. Lehtiö5, J. Silén2, A. Kuisma5, P. Luoto2, T. Tolvanen2, K. Alanen6, T. Grönroos2, M. Kallajoki6, A. Roivainen2, N. Schäfer7, R. Schibli8, M. Dragic8, A. Johayem9, R. Valencia10, S. Borkowski10;1Department of Surgery, Division of Urology, Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland, 2Turku PET Centre, University of Turku, Turku, Finland, 3Department of Diagnostic Radiology, University of Turku, Turku, Finland, 4Department of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland, 5Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy, Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland, 6Department of Pathology, Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland , 7Department of Medical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 8Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland , 9Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 10Bayer Pharma AG, Berlin, Germany

2011 Birmingham: Longitudinal imaging of transplanted islets in a rat model with SPECT

Longitudinal imaging of transplanted islets in a rat model with SPECT

K. Andralojc, M. Brom, L. Claessens-Joosten, D. Bos, W. Oyen, O. Boerman, M. Gotthardt;Radboud University & Medical Center Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS

2010 Vienna: VEGF Immuno-PET with 89Zr-ranibizumab during sunitinib treatment

VEGF Immuno-PET with 89Zr-ranibizumab during sunitinib treatment

M. N. Lub-de Hooge, W. B. Nagengast, J. A. Gietema, S. F. Oosting, M. A. de Korte, F. Warnders, H. Timmer-Boscha, G. A. Hospers, J. R. de Jong, W. F. den Dunnen, H. Hollema, R. A. J. O. Dierckx, E. G. E. de Vries;University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, NETHERLANDS

2009 Barcelona: Development of an improved amyloid probe, [11C]AZD2184. From pre-clinical to clinical in vivo PET measurements in AD patients

Development of an improved amyloid probe, [11C]AZD2184. From pre-clinical to clinical in vivo PET measurements in AD patients

J. Andersson1, K. Varnäs1, Z. Cselényi2, B. Gulyás1, B. Swahn3, S. Finnema1, S. Nyberg2, L. Farde2, C. Halldin1;1Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, SWEDEN, 2AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals Neuroscience Clinical, Södertälje, SWEDEN, 3Department of Medicinal Chemistry AstraZeneca R&D, Södertälje, SWEDEN

2008 Munich: Intravesical α-radioimmunotherapy with Bi-213-anti-EGFR-MAb defeats human bladder carcinoma in xenografted nude mice

Intravesical α-radioimmunotherapy with Bi-213-anti-EGFR-MAb defeats human bladder carcinoma in xenografted nude mice

B. Pfost1, C. Seidl1, M. Autenrieth2, D. Saur3, F. Bruchertseifer4, A. Morgenstern4, M. Schwaiger1, R. Senekowitsch-Schmidtke1

1Department of Nuclear Medicine, Technische Universität München, München, GERMANY, 2Department of Urology, Technische Universität München, München, GERMANY, 3II. Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, Technische Universität München, München, GERMANY, 4European Commission, JRC, Institute for Transuranium Elements, Karlsruhe, GERMANY

2007 Copenhagen: Converging evidence for specific neurotoxic effects of ecstasy on the thalamus: [123I]β-CIT SPECT and advanced MRI studies

Converging evidence for specific neurotoxic effects of ecstasy on the thalamus: [123I]β-CIT SPECT and advanced MRI studies

M. de Win et al.University Hospital Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2006 Athens: Early predictive value of positron emission tomography with [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose for the pathologic complete response of primary tumor in breast cancer patients treated by neoadjuvant chemotherapy

Early predictive value of positron emission tomography with [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose for the pathologic complete response of primary tumor in breast cancer patients treated by neoadjuvant chemotherapy

A. Berriolo-Riedinger et alCentre G.F. Leclerc, Dijon, France

2005 Istanbul: A comparison of amphetamine induced changes in agonist and antagonist radioligand binding potential on the dopamine D2 receptor in primate brain

A comparison of amphetamine induced changes in agonist and antagonist radioligand binding potential on the dopamine D2 receptor in primate brain

N. Seneca, S. Finnema, M. Ichise, B. Gulyas, H. Wikstrom, R. Innis, L. Farde, C. Halldin (Stockholm, Bethesda, Groningen)

2004 Helsinki: 99mTC Interleukin-2 (99m TC-IL2) Scintigraphy for Imaging Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaques

99mTC Interleukin-2 (99m TC-IL2) Scintigraphy for Imaging Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaques

A. Signore, A. Annovazzi, E. Bonnano, M. Arca, C. D’Alessandria, A. Marcoccia, L. Spagnoli, F. Violi, F. Scopinaro, G. De Toma (Rome)

2003 Amsterdam: Radioimmunotherapy with Lutetium-177-DOTA-Rituximab: a Phase I/II-Study in Patients with Follicular and Mantle Cell Lymphoma. An interim Analysis

Radioimmunotherapy with Lutetium-177-DOTA-Rituximab: a Phase I/II-Study in Patients with Follicular and Mantle Cell Lymphoma. An interim Analysis

F. Forrer, A. Lohri, H.Uusijärvi, G. Moldenhauer, J. Chen, R. Herrmann, E. Nitzsche, H. Mäcke, J.Müller-Brand (Basel, Liestal, Gothenburg)

2002 Vienna: Combined [11C]Raclopride-PET and voxel based morphometry analysis in early Huntington´s disease: separating between functional and morphological alterations

Combined [11C]Raclopride-PET and voxel based morphometry analysis in early Huntington´s disease: separating between functional and morphological alterations

F.D. Juengling, J. Karitzky, C. Solbach, J. Kassubek, C. Saft, B. Heinen, S.N. Reske, T. Kioschies, K. Henkel (Ulm)

2001 Naples: [11C]MADAM – a highly suitable radioligand for examination of the serotonin transporter with PET

[11C]MADAM – a highly suitable radioligand for examination of the serotonin transporter with PET

C. Halldin, D. Guilloteau, J. Tarkiainen, J. Sóvágó, B. Gulyás, J. Sandell, P. Emond, J. Vercouillie, S. Chalon, J. Hiltunen, L. Farde

2000 Paris: Partial reversibility and gender differences in the toxic effects of MDMA (‘ecstasy’) on brain serotonin neurons

Partial reversibility and gender differences in the toxic effects of MDMA (‘ecstasy’) on brain serotonin neurons

L. Renemann, J. Booij , K. De Bruin , F.A. De Wolff , W. van den Brink, G.J. Den Heeten (Amsterdam)

1999 Barcelona: Low- versus high-dose radioimmunotherapy with humanized anti-CD20 antibodies in a broad spectrum of B-cell associated malignancies

Low- versus high-dose radioimmunotherapy with humanized anti-CD20 antibodies in a broad spectrum of B-cell associated malignancies

T.M. Behr , B. Wörmann, M. Gramatzki, M. Béhé, F. Griesinger, W. Hiddemann, D.M. Goldenberg, W. Becker (Göttingen)

1998 Berlin: Lymphoscintigraphy and radioguided biopsy of the sentinel axillary node in breast cancer

Lymphoscintigraphy and radioguided biopsy of the sentinel axillary node in breast cancer

G. Paganelli, C. DeCicco , M. Cremonesi, A. Luini, M. Bartolomei, C. Grana , G. Prosco , V. Galimberti, P. Calza, G. Viale, U. Veronesi (Milan)

1997 Glasgow: Coronary revascularization improves survival and left ventricular function in patients with chronic coronary artery disease and dysfunctional but viable myocardium at thallium-201 imaging

Coronary revascularization improves survival and left ventricular function in patients with chronic coronary artery disease and dysfunctional but viable myocardium at thallium-201 imaging

A. Cuoculo, E. Nicolai, M. Petretta, L. Pace, S. Cardei, A. Varrone, B. Trimarco, M. Salvatore (Naples)

1996 Copenhagen: Relationship between clinical features of Parkinson’s disease and presynaptic dopamine transporter function assessed with I-123 IPT and SPECT

Relationship between clinical features of Parkinson’s disease and presynaptic dopamine transporter function assessed with I-123 IPT and SPECT

K. Tatsch, P.D. Mozley, J. Schwarz, R. Linke, O. Pogarell, R.S. Fieber, K. Hahn, H.F. Kung (Munich)

1995 Brussels: Imaging of 5-HT1a receptors in human brain using (C-11)Way-100635 and PET

Imaging of 5-HT1a receptors in human brain using (C-11)Way-100635 and PET

V. Pike, J. McCarron, S. Hume, S. Ashworth, J. Opcka-Juffry, A. Lammerstma, K. Poole, A. Malizia, C. Bench, P. Grasby, I. Cliffe, A. Fletcher (London)

1994 Düsseldorf: Recombinant human interleukin-1: a potential agent to image infectious foci

Recombinant human interleukin-1: a potential agent to image infectious foci

J. van der Laken, I.C. Boerman, W.J.G. Oyen, M.T.P. van de Ven, J. Makarewicz, R.A.M.J. Claessens, J.W.M. van der Meer, F.H.M. Corstens (Nijmegen)

1993 Lausanne: Comparison of 123-I-alpha-methyl tyrosine SPECT and 11C-L-methionine PET in patients with brain tumors: initial results

Comparison of 123-I-alpha-methyl tyrosine SPECT and 11C-L-methionine PET in patients with brain tumors: initial results

K.J. Langen, B. Hamacher, K. Ziemons, T. Kuwert, U. Braun, H. Herzog, J.C.W. Kiwit, B. Nebeling, G. Stöcklin, H.W. Müller- Gärtner (Düsseldorf, Jülich)

1992 Lisbon: Preparation of (11C)ß-CIT, a new ligand for imaging cocaine binding sites in vivo by PET

Preparation of (11C)ß-CIT, a new ligand for imaging cocaine binding sites in vivo by PET

C. Halldin, L. Farde, L. Müller, P. Karlsson, J.L. Neumeyer, Y. Gao, R. Milius, H. Hall, C.G. Swahn (Stockholm, Natick)

1991 Vienna: PET studies of human cerebral malignancy with (2-11C) thymidine (TRD) and (18F)FDG

PET studies of human cerebral malignancy with (2-11C) thymidine (TRD) and (18F)FDG

T. van der Borght, S. Pauwels, L. Lambotte, L.D. Labor, S. De Maeght, G. Stroobandt, C. Laterre (Brussels)

1990 Amsterdam: Ventilation and perfusion in a single image

Ventilation and perfusion in a single image

J.J.P. de Lima, M.F.R. Botelho, A.M.S. Pereira, J.A.S. Rafael, M.A.T. Marques, A.J. Pinto, F. Godinho, M.C. Pereira, M.F. Baganha (Aveiro, Coimbra, Lisbon)